Politics is a dirty game

Saad Zaghloul, the great Egyptian leader, said once: "The nation is the source of authority." This is mainly what we can call A B C of politics. That great leader led Egypt to achieve its first nominal independence. He was also the engineer of the first Egyptian constitution in 1923. Afterwards, he was elected as the Prime-Minister. Nevertheless, the man had to resign after 9 months because he felt that his authority was withdrawn from him by the corrupt king and the imperialistic forces.

Based on this argument, we can claim that 99% of today’s leaders are politically illiterate if we can oppress illiteracy by adhering that concept to it. Any political system depends on three main factors; its legitimacy, its authority, and finally its sovereignty. In case any factors of these three fails, the system becomes no longer capable of surviving, and it collapses

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